Have You Ever Considered Laughter As A Medicine?

Do you remember the last time you laughed?
If I tell you mine, it’s been ages that I laughed louder. Maybe I took my life very seriously, and my career challenges are too harshly affecting my life.
And recently I met my friend after like 2 years, and we laughed like anything. And you won’t believe how I felt, it was like something has been cleaned up from my soul, and I have started feeling free.
Technically if I talk about it, there was no such burden in my life, but still, laughter tended to play the role of cleanser that eradicated all the dirt and impurities from my soul.
Isn’t it great?
Have you started remembering the last time you laughed with your friend? Please do so because laughter can not only make you feel better, but it helps in many other ways to make you healthy.
Okay, now tell me something- Have you ever noticed someone who gets annoyed when some people laugh around him/her? If yes, then you need to help him/her because that’s a symptom of gelotophobia. This is not because they don’t like laughing, but they think that people are laughing at them.
Now that’s a pretty serious issue. Because if I talk about me and everybody around me, laughing is contagious. We normally start laughing without any reason merely by seeing someone laughing. But people who are having gelotophobia tend to find it annoying and may react aggressively to it.
Frankly speaking, I never knew about this disorder until I somehow started researching laughter. And What I have experienced is that if we laugh on a daily basis, with our friends, or in our situations, we can reduce stress.
Not only this, but it can enhance the immune system and even help in reducing weight. So people who are reading this, please make sure you laugh a lot, not only to reduce stress but to maintain a healthy environment around you.
Remember, “Laughter is the language of the soul.”