House of Particles!

It’s the name of my imaginative game that can be played with tiny particles that look like a bunch of small square blocks.
You enter the house of particles with suspense and lots of expectations. The moment you touch any object, it sheds some particles. These particles are the main way to win this game. But unaware players just keep clicking here and there, trying to understand this mysterious game. The more you click, the more you lose your bars of power. That’s right, unnecessary clicking on objects will add negative points and decrease the green power bars, slowly turning them into red bars. Pondering, How will you understand which object to click and not, there will be a sign in every object you need to find that with your egle eye and then click the right object.
Hold your breath, guys, because this game will shake your brain cells and, in the end, you might find it quite hilarious. Now you must be thinking what we will do with the particles that shed from every object that the player touches. Well, that’s the twist. Collect those particles and put them in your bag. Make sure you collect them all, because it will help you win the game.
You must have noticed that the particles have a design on top. Now comes the brain game. There is a board at the end. You will reach it once you collect all the particles by clicking on every object. But if you hit the wrong object, your power bars decrease, so be careful.
Now the board at the end has plenty of colors and shapes. Check out your bag and find the same design that matches perfectly with the design mentioned on the board in every block. Doesn’t it make you bite your nails? Ahaa!! Here comes another twist. In case there is any missing shaper that is not even there in the bag, you need to earn it. How? Well, give your 4 power bars and get the one shape that is missing from your board. Make sure that you save as many power bars as possible.
The player who completes the board first wins the game!!