Freelance that was a choice of selective professionals now has become a booming career option. Well, thanks to the pandemic, work from home and Freelancing has taken a new shape and importance in the market.
When you need to stay at home all the time, and there is always a fear of going out and meeting people, then what’s better than sitting at home, being safe and earning good, right?
But as with every situation, every career and every part of life has some pros and cons; similarly, freelance has its own benefits and disadvantages. Let’s take a deep dive into the details:
Pros of Freelancing
You are your boss
Yes! You heard it right; the most beneficial thing about working as a freelancer is that you have the freedom to choose your own projects, clients and workflow. There is no senior, team lead or manager to report. Set your own targets and achieve them with your own convenience.
Flexibility Is The Key
Another interesting benefit is flexibility. It doesn’t matter that you are sitting in your car, in your room or sipping a cup of hot chocolate in some resort while working. That’s the beauty of Freelancing. Place and time don’t matter; what matters is quality and submission date.
You Get Exposure
Yes, we know that many jobs offer a variety of work, but when you work as a freelancer, you get more exposure. Different sectors, diverse work and enhancement of skills for sure. Working in-house for a single company may hamper the exposure you get stuck to one industry only. But Freelancing expands your horizon, and this variety will make your job less redundant and boring.
Cons of Freelancing
Insufficiency of benefits
Most of us who work with a company full time may get free insurance, free meals, travel allowance, house allowance, etc., but when it comes to working for yourself, you have to stay deprived of such benefits.
Enhanced responsibility
When you are a freelancer, and as we have already mentioned that you are your own boss, you have to take the boss’s responsibility as well. From taxes, buying tools and software for your work, and promoting your work, every decision and finances need to be handled by yourself. This enhances the responsibility.
Another very major disadvantage of Freelancing is that you need to work in isolation. No colleagues and tea break fun or any weekend activities, this all happens only when you work with a company. The office fun and meeting new people will be missed by you.
Wrapping up
People who are a bit introverted and like to stay in their own world tend to find freelancing more attractive and lucrative. But professionals who like to talk and meet people may only stay in Freelancing because of money and freedom of work. So everything depends on your mindset and priorities.